Sick day.

I was sick today.          
I had to stay at home.
I had to take yuky medisin.
 I barft all night.

                                                           THE END                                                                                                                        


  1. Violet, it made me feel sad to see you so sick all day! I'm glad that you seemed to feel a little better right before bed tonight, and I hope you will feel perfect in the morning. By the way, I'm so proud of you for working so hard a swim team even though you were so sick.

    Love Mom

  2. That is a total drag! Sorry you were sick and I hope you feel better today.

  3. I was very sad when I read this blog post, but very relieved when I saw your comments that you are feeling better! Barfing is the WORST! I always forget how bad barfing is until I am actually barfing, and only then do I remember how utterly horrible it is.

  4. This has nothing to do with being sick, but I like how you always put one picture in your blog post. It's nice to see your face!

  5. A sick Violet makes a sad Dad...


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